Normally I’m not a crazy conspiracy theorist, y’all.
But I feel like I’m losing my damn mind. Lock me up, people. Put me in the crazy bin. It might even be nice in there with all the other folks claiming we didn’t land on the moon.
I think Instagram is listening to me.
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Oh, that our hearts may be pricked and our prejudices challenged and our fingers worked to the bone from calling and calling and calling as we live our lives while children are being treated like someone’s wretched refuse; the heaviness and weight of their sleeping forms being rocked and cherished by no one in particular.
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The truth is, while he may have good sleep tendencies, we worked really hard to turn those tendencies into good full-blown habits. His predispositions + our effort = the baby was sleeping from 7 PM to 7 AM at 14 weeks.
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Coming off of one of the most wonderful weekends I can remember, I wanted to make sure I documented things.
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Whether you agree with the style of protest or not, this is a great opportunity for us to engage with and learn more about an issue that is obviously affecting a community to the point that the rich and famous among that demographic are willing to trade their money and power, and likely give up on a dream they’ve had since childhood, simply to shed light on this issue.
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